Wednesday, October 16, 2024

October 16

It was one of those "hard to be patient" kinds of mornings. Thanks to what I later learned was an accident on the freeway, traffic in town was horrible. (As in "it took me half an hour to go two miles" horrible.) Then after I dropped Brady at school (late), it took me yet another 40 minutes to travel another few miles, and that was only after I gave up on my initial route and opted for a detour that would, on normal days, take much longer.

Younger Me would've been furious over the delays. Patience was never really Her strong suit and the parking lot style of the road would've pushed her to anger.

But Older Me took it in stride. Maybe it was increasing maturity, or maybe it was the drippy-drop of tiny raindrops that dotted my car's windshield that provided a welcome (and unexpected) distraction.

Regardless of the reason, I'm thankful for the patience that God has continued to tend and grow within me. I still don't like waiting, but it's much more bearable than it used to be.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

October 15

I stopped by my local Hallmark store this morning to check out this year's Christmas ornaments. 

I found these on a random shelf and they really took me back in time (as they're no doubt intended to do!). My mom had (and probably still has) ornaments just like these, and I can pretty clearly remember carefully hanging them on our tree when I was a kid. There's something about these ornaments in particular that so beautifully reflect Christmas tree lights.

Anyway, it was a good memory. And I'm grateful to have it in my mental storehouse.

Monday, October 14, 2024

October 14

I engaged in several different Monday activities today: my customary Starbucks run, Bible study, a trip to Costco, school drop-offs and pick-ups, texting with Abby, and then this evening, I shuttled Brady to and from practice. And I walked around the park while I waited for the latter to conclude so I could get my steps in.

And now I'm at home with my current project next to me, watching Beachfront Bargain Hunt on TV with Adam.

It was an ordinary day --as ordinary as they get, really-- but it was a blessing nonetheless, because every day is a gift.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

October 13

Isaac's been working on a project for most of the day. 

I have the distinct feeling that he procrastinated quite a long while before his frenetic work fest commenced, but I'm still impressed by the consistent and dedicated attention he's applied to his task. And it looks really nice to boot! (I'd share but he wasn't amused by me taking this photo so I can only imagine the reaction to me getting any closer.)

A good work ethic is a valuable asset, so I'm thankful that he's focused on getting his work done (and on doing it well).

Saturday, October 12, 2024

October 12

It's another tournament weekend, so we spent the evening watching Brady and the TVBR 14's playing a pair of games out in the Central Valley.

To sum it all up, they won one and lost one, and Brady had a couple of hits, a walk, and pitched 1 1/3 scoreless innings. (He was only scheduled to throw one inning, but came in early to get them out of a bases-loaded jam.) Decent results overall.

But what really struck me is how they pulled together to win game two by a significant margin. They were actually trailing late in the game, but strung together a (long) series of hits and walks that netted them 11 additional runs and a very definitive win.

Winning isn't everything --and most of the time, we probably learn more from losing-- but it's a blessing when effort pays off.

Friday, October 11, 2024

October 11

Isaac and Brady didn't have school today, so I took the opportunity to take them to Black Bear for brunch.

I enjoyed their witty repartee (even if they did fully embrace the chance to tease me to the fullest extent of their collective ability) and listening to Isaac talk about the happenings at school. And then I marveled over their shared teenage ability to reduce very large plates of food to crumbs. (If only I could eat like that.)

They're good boys, and I was reminded once again of how blessed I am to be their mom.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

October 10

When we got home from school pick-ups today, I asked the boys to please retrieve the garbage cans from the curb and return them to their usual haunt.

And without a single comment (well, except for a single chirpy "what?" since Brady didn't hear me the first time), they did it. And they did it with smiles on their faces. 

Given that I feel like much of my time over the years has been spent engaged in conversations (and arguments) with my generally very stubborn children about why they have to do this or that, it's such a blessing when they just... do whatever it is.