Thursday, October 2, 2014

October 2

Regardless of whether my feelings are valid, lately, I've had the sense that people are starting to forget about Logan. He is, of course, always on my mind, but the idea of him fading into obscurity in general is upsetting, since to really know me, you have to know about him.

So this morning, I decided to play Farmville for a few minutes. It was one of his favorite games; he had a special affinity for those animated sheep and for harvesting his little colorful crops. I tried out a new feature that allowed me to trade gems for special prizes, and was giddy to be awarded this little cutie:

A "sunshine and rainbow sheep." It was just so perfect that I almost laughed when I saw it.

I guess Logan still likes his tiny animated sheep. Now I just need to find the perfect spot for this sweet sheepie on my farm.