Sunday, May 10, 2015

May 10

Mother's Day isn't my favorite holiday. It's just difficult to be cheerful on a day devoted to celebrating motherhood when a big part of my heart is no longer walking around on this earth. But when I look hard enough, I can find bright spots. This was one of today's.

Isaac was very excited to see his cousin Theo this afternoon. Theo is a little less than three months old, and Isaac was eager to hold him. So they sat together on the couch for a little while, and Isaac totally beamed.

It was like a flashback to Logan with Brady. I can still remember them sitting together on Logan's hospital bed when Brady was teeny tiny. I remember how Logan would tendering touch his hair and nuzzle his cheek, and how they'd just lie together, napping or watching TV. I remember marveling over how comfortable they were together: the biggest brother and the littlest brother.

So today, I'm thankful that the sight of these two together brought back those sweet memories.

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