Thursday, May 19, 2016

May 19

When the school year started, all I heard from Abby was "I HATE MIDDLE SCHOOL. I DO NOT WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL." Really. Every school morning, we went through the same rigmarole: I cajoled her out of bed, nagged her to get dressed, ushered her out the door. But at some point when I wasn't paying attention, her tune changed. A lot. So much that at tonight's open house, she literally skipped around campus in search of her friends so she could introduce them to me (since my very existence doesn't yet serve as a source of embarrassment. Note to self: Must. Try. Harder. Kidding. Sort of.). We ran into her long-time (and I'd use the term 'best', but I just don't care for the labels) friend Bridget several times, and one of those times, the two of the did an odd little dance in virtually perfect harmony.

I've said this before, but as someone who agonized over being accepted by my peers when I was 11 and 12 and 13, I love that she doesn't care what everyone else thinks. And I love that B doesn't care, either. I love that they can be utterly ridiculous together where everyone can see and not worry over who may be judging them from across the room.

And perhaps beyond all of that, I'm deeply thankful that they stuck together this first year of middle school; that year when relationships can be so complicated and the importance of social status gains so much importance (if you let it). I feel like they keep each other grounded and authentic --even in all of their wonderful, unique weirdness at times!-- and that's such a terrific gift.

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