Friday, January 6, 2017

January 6

It was cold --go ahead and chuckle, but 40something degree temps are chilly for this area-- but beautiful outside today. My hardy east coast blood has thinned considerably since I relocated to California *coughcough* years ago, but I still enjoyed a brief stroll to drop Abby at her friend's house early this afternoon.

I realized something as I passed through the park on the way home: my life is not perfect --in some ways, it's been harder and more painful than I ever fathomed possible when I was young-- but I'm living the dream I once had. I spent a chunk of my childhood living out in the country, far away from others. And then when we finally moved into a neighborhood when I was 11, I started attending magnet schools, which were an hour's drive away. I remember longing for a connection to my community, but it never really happened and I always felt like an outsider.

Now? I live in a lovely neighborhood. We have a nice house. I have friends all over town. It's an old dream fulfilled. And for that, I'm thankful, even if I don't always remember to give thanks.

1 comment:

  1. You are a wonderful part of that community I truly appreciate our friendship.
