Sunday, April 2, 2017

April 2

It seemed appropriate to take this photo because without this place --this building-- the three of them (and Logan) may never have come into existence. Dramatic, I know, but kind of true.

We spent part of today showing them around our college campus. As Adam noted during our unofficial tour, we first came into contact with one another in Bauer Center, where we shared our freshman lit class nearly 21 years ago. (I audibly gasped when I wrote that out. Really? Twenty-one years ago?) Of course, we didn't start dating until a year after that initial meeting and a lot happened on the path between Point A and Point B, but this place is an integral part of our story. So of course, it holds a special place in my heart.

Beyond that, this particular fountain holds a special place in my heart. When we visited about eight years ago, Isaac wasn't yet a year old, Logan was two, and Abby was four. Since we had our hands full, we worked overtime to keep the two older kiddos out of the water. At one point, our attention was momentarily drawn away from Logan, and in those few precious seconds, he managed to strip off ALL of his clothes and jump into the water. I don't think I'll ever forget the first glimpse I got of that buck-naked, pasty-white little boy joyfully splish-splashing in the water. I wanted to be mad at him for not listening, but that carefree exuberance won me over (as it did many times in the years that followed). The story has earned virtual folklore status in our family, so being able to show Brady --who had never been to Claremont-- where It happened was a big deal.

It's a blessing to be able to look back --and to re-tread the paths we once walked-- now and then.

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