Wednesday, February 12, 2020

February 12

In lieu of those little Valentine's Day cards, the third graders at Brady's school (or at least the third graders I've parented) make compliment cards for one another.

Brady's been working on his batch since last week and finally finished up the final few this evening. And I have to say that I'm really, really impressed by his work. He drew unique pictures on each card, and the compliments on the back are tailored to each individual child.

I'm always pleased when my kids treat others well, so I love that he took the time to do a really good job with something that will make his classmates feel good about themselves. That's the love of Jesus in action.


  1. It really was impressive. I read many of the cards, and he had taken the time to say something specific about everyone, and to write it all out in three or four different colors. He worked on that last batch tonight for two hours...
