Sunday, May 19, 2013

May 19

When it comes to looks, I'm a pretty (okay, very) low-maintenance kind of girl. I'm --for better or worse-- a make-up minimalist and I always wear my blue Logan wristband and wedding and engagement rings. Though I have several beautiful and meaningful necklaces, these have become my mainstays. And they never fail to attract attention, so as I looked in the mirror this afternoon, I figured now would be as good a time as any to show them to you:

The blue one is the last Christmas gift Logan gave me, and the circular tags came from my friend Lisa shortly after he passed away. Each of the four discs bears the name of one of our children, and Logan's features a removable overlay that depicts an angel. I wear them all close to my heart because, well, it's as close as I can get to having them together, with me. Until we all move to the other side. So of course, they remind me of God's presence in this life.

1 comment:

  1. This picture is incredibly sweet. I love your writing and I hope that you'll always continue with this blog because I'm sure it has touched many people, myself included.
