Thursday, May 4, 2017

May 4

Sherrie (my name twin --fraternal, of course, since we spell it differently) and I started meeting for coffee quite a while ago. I really can't remember when we first started, but I do know that our girls were in ballet together in 2011, and that's when we started to chat. I realized this morning as we were parting ways that we still didn't have a pic together (which was an entirely unacceptable state of affairs in my mind), so this image was born.

She's one of those people I can talk with --totally comfortably-- for hours. And we've logged quite a lot of time chatting about everything from school to politics to TV to movies to coping with fledgling teenagers and their drama.

It's easy to take friendship for granted, but it's a huge blessing.


  1. 😘 gotta love those almost teen dramas too

  2. Sherri:
    Thank You for sharing this with me..
    My time to renew is before I go to sleep...
    I pray for 5 people who are fighting with cancer..
    I pray one thing I'm thankful that my higher power has done for my family members and ...
    one thing I can use help on...
    I try to do good everyday but some days I'm not
    I ask for forgiveness, move on and try to stay in the present... cause this is when my higher power can be with me and... I can't do anything about the past and I use prayer for the future...
    I little something I thought to share
