Monday, July 3, 2017

July 3

We got up (relatively) early this morning, drove to Oakland, and boarded a plane bound for Kaua'i. With the exception of a few minor tantrums from the boys and a walk that went on just a wee bit too long as we tried to navigate from the house to the club for the first time, it was a pleasant enough day.

After we'd all gotten drinks, the boys played a short round of croquet, Abby lounged in a hammock, and I stared out at the glittering Pacific, we left the club and headed back toward the house. We hadn't gotten far when, just as I noticed a rainbow in the distance, Abby remarked 'hey, it's raining a little.' And then, because this is Kaua'i (where the weather changes every few seconds), it started pouring. The downpour didn't last long; in fact, by the time we got inside 15 minutes later, you'd have been hard-pressed to tell that it'd rained at all, save our wet clothes, because the sun was once again shining and the skies were mostly clear and blue.

Anyway, to my point: we all experience those sudden downpours in life that catch us off guard. So the age-old question comes into play: do you get mad, or do you dance? Us? Today, we danced.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! I love that you danced. I love that I know exactly where the kids are sitting in this picture. I love the house. We shared a few rainbows on our trip as well and downpours... we also danced. Do you think your in-laws would adopt me? lol
