Wednesday, July 3, 2024

July 3

I'm always telling our kiddos to feel free to invite friends over to our house since we have a pool and lots of space, but they usually refuse. So I was surprised (and gratified) when Isaac asked if he could do so today.

I helped him neaten up the main floor and set up a cooler of drinks out on the deck and several bags of chips in the kitchen. And then when the clock ticked to the planned start time, I stole away in my bedroom and let them have run of the house.

I didn't engage with them much save a few greetings, but I could hear them laughing while they were playing video games in the living room, and I briefly saw them splish-splashing out in the pool. It was a hot one out today --over 100 degrees at noon-- so I'm I was thankful to have the pool and even more thankful that Isaac opted to share that blessing with his pals.

It was so good for my heart to see my boys --because Brady was right there with them-- relaxed and having a good time. Friendship is a blessing, and it makes me happy to be able to share our blessings --namely our home and pool-- with others.

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