Monday, April 25, 2016

April 25

Today was not a good day. I try not to let myself be bogged down or bothered when others make poor decisions that affect me, but I'm human. And by virtue of that, it's hard. But I'm actively trying to forgive it and let it go.

On the brighter side, I went along with Brady's class on the annual nature hike.

The preschool hike is something of an institution, so even though I wanted to go sit by myself for a while and think, I didn't want to miss out on a "last," so I went along. He had fun collecting rocks and sticks in his bag and looking through his "binoculars" --which are really painted toilet paper tubes on string-- and walking with his classmates.

It's a special thing to be able to devote time to these precious little ones, and I'm thankful that they were able to make my frustrating day a little bit better.

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