Tuesday, April 26, 2016

April 26

Kids amaze me sometimes. (Well, most of the time, really. The things they say and do on a daily basis... [low whistle] impressive.) Anyway, today Brady had to go to the dentist to get a filling. His first ever (and hopefully last for a long while). And he was a five-year old rock star.

He sat there quietly, with his movie pick -- Cars-- playing on the screen. His buddy Bear Bear and I watched him from across the room, and I marveled over how calm he was as the dentist did her thing. And just a short time later, the whole shebang was over. And then he did something even more amazing: as we walked back to our car, he started asking me to identify the symbols on the vehicles we passed. Toyota, Honda, Hyundai. He repeated the names as I identified them, and I was immediately transported back in time to when his biggest brother did the exact same thing. Logan had a unique talent for identifying cars, and seeing Brady do the same thing took my breath away.

I'm convinced: brothers share a bond, even when they're on opposite sides of the veil that separates humans and the glory that is Heaven.

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