Wednesday, October 16, 2024

October 16

It was one of those "hard to be patient" kinds of mornings. Thanks to what I later learned was an accident on the freeway, traffic in town was horrible. (As in "it took me half an hour to go two miles" horrible.) Then after I dropped Brady at school (late), it took me yet another 40 minutes to travel another few miles, and that was only after I gave up on my initial route and opted for a detour that would, on normal days, take much longer.

Younger Me would've been furious over the delays. Patience was never really Her strong suit and the parking lot style of the road would've pushed her to anger.

But Older Me took it in stride. Maybe it was increasing maturity, or maybe it was the drippy-drop of tiny raindrops that dotted my car's windshield that provided a welcome (and unexpected) distraction.

Regardless of the reason, I'm thankful for the patience that God has continued to tend and grow within me. I still don't like waiting, but it's much more bearable than it used to be.

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