Thursday, September 26, 2024

September 26

The A's played (and won) their very last game ever at the Coliseum today. I wasn't on the ball (pun intended) enough to get tickets, but Isaac's friend Tyler was, and when Ty's sister bowed out of going at the last-minute, he asked my kiddo if he wanted to go along. So he did. Of course he did. (Mental health day, of course.)

I'm really glad he got to go. He's loved baseball ever since he found out what it was and he's loved the A's ever since he first saw them on TV. He's spent birthdays at the ballpark and has a poster of Khris Davis on his bedroom wall. 

And before Isaac was a fan, Adam and I were fans. Before kids and even before marriage, we spent many a Wednesday night in our $2 seats enjoying $1 hot dogs. We stood in line for Barry Zito and Tim Hudson bobbleheads and listened to the drummers in the outfield and chanted "Let's go Oakland" (and, one on particularly toasty summer afternoon, "Ice Cream Sand-wich") on repeat. We took in match-ups during the 20-game win streak of 2002 and mourned when Bill King passed away.

After the kids were born, they came with us, although the logistics of moving around with babies and toddlers meant our trips became less frequent. I can remember all four of them there; Abby, Logan, Isaac, and Brady. And those memories are dear to me, for obvious reasons. There was one especially epic team party for Brady and fireworks on the field (which led to our family being featured --if only briefly-- in footage used for a TV commercial). And there were family celebrations held in suites over the field. And photos taken. Oh, so many photos.

I'm bummed that the team is gone. I'm bummed that after our nest is empty, we won't be able to get season tickets and become Coliseum regulars. I think we'd both assumed that was an eventuality, given how much happy time we spent there during our younger years. But no, it's not to be. Still, I'm thankful that Isaac had the chance to go and enjoy the game today and say goodbye. I'm glad that he was able to get some dirt and a small fluff of grass from the field. And I'm grateful to have 24 years of memories from the Coliseum. 

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