Sunday, September 29, 2024

September 29

Sometimes I sit back and think, 'wow, the Lord has really brought me a long, long way.' (And then five minutes later I do something stupid that makes me realize I still have a long, long way to go, but that's another entry.)

Mary, our pastor, called me last week and left a voicemail asking if I'd be willing to talk about the Prayer Shawl Ministry during today's service. I literally groaned when I listened to the message because, well, I'm stubborn and I just didn't want to do it. But when she asked me about it again --and God bless her for her persistence-- after our Session meeting on Wednesday night, I reluctantly said okay. 

Fast forwarding to today, as I sat in the service this morning listening to her talk about Tabitha, I tried to work out what I'd say. With conflicting ideas battling for the mic in my mind, I silently prayed "Your words, not mine." And I left it at that.

When the time came, a sense of peace and calm fell over me. Given that Younger Me was terrified of public speaking, it's a rather remarkable thing that I was able to deliver a coherent message to the sea of eyes before me, but I guess I did. (And it didn't even phase me that my name was spelled wrong.) It was such a blessing to be able to share about such a wonderful ministry. So for that unexpected gift, I am grateful.

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