Sunday, June 4, 2023

June 4

I'm quite tired this evening but I'm happy, and that's always a good thing.

This afternoon we hosted Brady's team party, so we welcomed most of his teammates --everyone except one who is out of the country and another who is getting ready to go on vacation-- and their families over for a pool party and general celebration of their awesome season. (Because I know I'll be scratching my head trying to remember in 10 years, the photo includes, from left to right, Coach Mike, Max, Jeffery, Nick, Brady, Mateo, Krish, Spencer, Coach Mark, Luke (Nick's brother), Darshan, and Jackson.)

And an awesome season it was, and not just because they won the Majors championships (which was, of course, very cool). It's actually more because they had patient, helpful, knowledgeable coaches in Mike and Mark, and because they were all genuinely nice kids who encouraged one another, worked together well, and enjoyed being out on the diamond as a team. They enjoyed each other's company so much, in fact, that one of them whose birthday was today decided that there wasn't anything he wanted to do more than hang out with his teammates. So the team celebration kinda-sorta doubled as a birthday celebration, too.

Anyway, there was much splashing in the pool on this very warm day and lots of laughter and lots of eating. And even a little wiffle ball out in the cul-de-sac before the guests departed and we packed away the extra chairs and food.

So I'm tired, yes, but I'm also grateful. I'm grateful for every one of these boys and for their parents. I'm grateful for the coaches and their dedication to teaching the boys about this sport they all love so much. I'm grateful for the opportunity to welcome others into this space God provided for us three years ago and for a warm, upper 80-degree day that made using the pool palatable (because goodness, it's been a cool year so far!). I'm grateful for conversation and connection. I'm grateful for the way Isaac watched over and played with the boys. And I'm grateful for the amazing Phillies cookies Abby made from scratch for us to enjoy, even though parties aren't really her jam.

I guess I'm just grateful. And that's always a good way to feel.

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