Wednesday, September 13, 2023

September 13

Each evening during dinner, we ask the kiddos to share about their respective days. And today, part of Isaac's account made my heart leap for joy.

He has Spanish first period, and it's not a subject he enjoys. At all, really. But he still makes an effort. And this morning, he went to school knowing that he'd have to have a one on one conversation --in Spanish-- with his teacher about noteworthy events in his past.

Anyway, he shared that he went to the library before class began so he could practice his responses. And he said that while he was there, he prayed over and over for God to help him because he was very, very nervous. 

Later when the big moment arrived, he approached his teacher and she read his shirt and asked him if Wheaton College was a real school and if anyone he knows goes there. And she asked if it was a Christian school. He said the exchange reminded him that God was there and put him at ease. (In the end, he got full credit, too.)

It's such a blessing to know that my children turn to God when they're scared or stressed or nervous. There's no better place to go for comfort.

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