Wednesday, September 6, 2023

September 6

One of the things about Christianity that I think people misunderstand is this: Jesus calls us to share our stories --and to share Him-- with those around us. It's not done in an attempt to indoctrinate or to force religion on anyone else; in fact, it's motivated by love. It's not easy to do --especially in today's sociopolitical climate-- and it takes some mettle. But it's the Great Commission, so we do it when we can. 

So I was touched this afternoon by an exchange I had with Brady after pick-up. As I drove him over to the high school to pick up Isaac, he remarked --very casually-- that he'd told his friend about the upcoming Alpha program (the introduction to Christianity I'm supposed to co-lead with our wonderful Pastor Mary). He said he added that if his parents were interested in coming, they could text me for info. This particular friend of him has asked him questions about God and Jesus in the past, which Brady has done his best to answer in his own 12-year old way.

Anyway, my heart just melted. My Muffin, doing what he could to try to share the Gospel with his pal's family. He's living out the Great Commission without even realizing it. And I think that's really beautiful. 

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