Thursday, September 7, 2023

September 7

If you'd told me 20 years ago that someday, I'd turn on an NFL game so I could watch it --and not because some dude asked me to-- I would've laughed heartily. I didn't grow up watching football. And truth be told, I still don't understand a lot of the rules even now.

But I absolutely tuned in for tonight's season opener between the Chiefs and the Lions for one reason and one reason only: football reminds me of Fall. And I love Fall more and more every year. (Oh, okay. And maybe a little bit because it's fun to watch guys run around in tights. That too.)

Don't get me wrong; we don't actually have what I would call "real" Fall here in Northern California. There are a few leaves that change color, but nothing like the sea of reds and oranges and purples and yellows that surrounded me as I was growing up in the Mid-Atlantic belt. But I love pumpkin season nonetheless; I love our annual trip to Half Moon Bay and boots and sweaters and cooler weather. And Thanksgiving. (I really love that last one.)

So today, I'm thankful for football. And for Fall and for the sweet memories that fill my mind this time of year.

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