Friday, September 8, 2023

September 8

I glanced over at the couch across the room a few minutes ago and thought 'well, I haven't really had any profound thoughts today so I guess maybe I could talk about that and how it just figures there's a baseball bat right there for anyone to accidentally sit on.' And that's all true and I will talk about it, but in a slightly different way.

See, when I really looked at it, I realized that this couch gives a surprising number of insights about me. There's the bat, of course, which I'm sure Brady left there. But there's also the maroon pillow, which is dotted with sequins because I like bling. And there's the Christmas-colored blanket I crocheted. It was my first big project for our home. And next to it is the super soft, fleece'y Orioles throw Brady gave me a few years ago. And then there's the sherpa throw I got at my friend Valerie's cookie party last December. Isaac loves that one, but it's still mine and I plan to commandeer it when the air gains its late-year chill. And finally, there's the white penguin pillow on the right. It too is blinged out, and it's where it is because after everyone goes to bed, I often rest my head on it while watching late-night TV.

So yeah, it says a lot about me. And although I annoy myself sometimes with some of my less than awesome tendencies and human'isms, I am grateful that God made me as He wished. And that He gave me a blessed life, oddities and challenges and all.

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