Friday, September 29, 2023

September 29

Valerie's annual cookie exchange is one of the highlights of my social calendar, so I was happy to head over to my old neighborhood this evening to attend. She always does an amazing job of planning and executing the event, and this year was no different as she had "Top Chef" alum and cookbook author Ryan Scott on hand to give a demonstration and cook for us.

It was a great evening of catching up and laughing with long-time friends (and eating amazing food, of course). And I have an tin foil container filled with cookies (for the boys to eat, of course). 

But what I really want to convey is how much I appreciate Valerie and her consistent commitment to making this party happen every year. I remember going to the very first one way back in 2015; I remember how fun it was to just sit and eat and laugh and talk with these wonderful women. We're all different people with different backgrounds and life stories, but our kids have grown up together and the threads of parenting here in the tri-valley will always connect us. It's such a blessing to know that even if we don't see each other often, there's always the cookie exchange.

So tonight I'm thankful for Valerie's hospitable spirit, thoughtfulness, and generosity. People like her are rare but much-needed lights in the world, and I am grateful for her willingness to extravagantly love on all of us.

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