Friday, June 14, 2024

June 14

I don't recall if I've mentioned it here before, but I take medication for anxiety and depression. I've been taking it daily for a few years now, and it's made a substantial difference in my overall stasis and sense of mental well-being. The one downside is that should I forget my pill, I feel less than great the following day. And this, unfortunately, was one of those days.

It's a distinctive kind of off-feeling so I knew exactly what I'd done (or rather what I forgot to do) when I woke up from my fitful slumber this morning. I stumbled through coffee at the Mother Ship and a quick grocery store trip, and then headed home, where I spent most of the rest of the day lying low. Very low. Asleep, mostly. 

Then this evening, after I'd gotten up and eaten dinner, I looked out the window in our bedroom and saw this. And then a moment later, I got a text from Brady (who was at his friend Liam's house) that included his vantage point of this exact scene.

It made me smile for a few reasons. For one, I was touched that he knew I'd appreciate the sight so he took the time to send it my way. For another, he recognized the beauty on his own. I'm thankful that at 13 --when many kids are oblivious to lovely sights like this one-- he finds value in it. God's creations are beautiful and I'm thankful that I felt better enough this evening to see it twice -- once through my own eyes, and once through the eyes of my kiddo.

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