Sunday, June 9, 2024

June 8

And just like that, our getaway to Kauai is over and we're back in the nest. I guess it's true that time really does fly when you're having fun.

Save a trio of rambunctious teen boys in front of me on the second leg of the journey --the longer one of the two, from Honolulu to Oakland-- it was a blessedly easy and calm travel day. We got to the airport in Lihue in good time, had no wait at security, and arrived at our gate with ample time to spare. (So much time, in fact, that I was able to steal off to a shop with Abby so she could procure the necklace she'd been wanting and I could purchase a deck of cards for the brositos to help keep them occupied while we waited.)

It was, all in all, a lovely week away. I am grateful to Adam's parents for sharing their space with us and for being gracious hosts. I am grateful to my kiddos for behaving well (most of the time). And above all, I am grateful to God for creating a place as beautiful as Hawaii, and for making it possible for us to visit and experience the aloha spirit.

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