Friday, June 7, 2024

June 6

Today was an Adventure Day, as I call them, which means that we (well, okay, Adam) did a little bit of research and picked a trail we wanted to hike. This time, however, we didn't make it mandatory; we said the kiddos could decide whether or not to go. Abby and Brady both passed, while Isaac chose to join us.

So the three of us left at 9:30 this morning after coffee-time for the Kuilau Ridge Trail located in the Lihue-Koloa Forest Reserve. It's a path we've taken before and I expressed interest in doing it again because a) it's not terribly challenging and b) the views are spectacular. And it didn't disappoint at all: it was a bit muddy in places --although both Adam and I remembered it being muddier the last time-- but the views were just as lovely as I remembered. 

Afterward, we stopped in Lihue for some shave ice at the Uncle's located there -- strawberries and cream for me this time! When we got back to the house, we had a short time to rest before we joined the others in golf carts to ride around the course. My in-laws' house sits on the 9th hole so we see the golfers drive in and out all the time (and we also walked the entire course when we were here during a previous trip, as exhausting as that sounds even to my own ears!), but it's a pretty course with ocean views so it made for a nice excursion. I rode with Isaac driving for a short time and was happy to see that despite the lack of a learner's permit to date, he's a decent driver. 

Then after another short downtime, we went to the Clubhouse for dinner at the on-site restaurant. My choice-- a vegetarian curry-- was delicious. (Lick-the-bowl delicious, if I'm being truthful. I actually took a bite and my eyes automatically drifted shut while I savored the experience. It was that kind of good.) We followed that up by taking a few casual photos together before the sun went down (since we were dressed up and all) before the kiddos forayed into the game room for some ping pong (the bros) and DigDug (Abby. I too may have played some pinball. I hadn't seen a real, live pinball machine in a long while and I couldn't resist its siren call).

So that was today. Our time here on Kauai is drawing to a close, but I'm thankful for the blessing that it's been so far. 

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