Thursday, June 6, 2024

June 5

Today we opted to go on a mini adventure. We all arose more or less when we felt like it. The brositos accompanied me to the Clubhouse so I could get my coffee (and a mini almond bear claw and house-made granola). But it wasn't the promise of food that compelled them to tag along; no, they wanted to play a few games of pool. So that's what they did as I looked on (although truth be told, my gaze flitted between them and the ocean).

Once we finished there, we returned to the house and after sunscreening, we piled into the car bound for Kapa'a and the Kauai Trail. It's an easy, paved path that runs alongside part of the eastern shore of the island and offers up gorgeous, sweeping views of the ocean. 

During our stroll under mostly cloudy skies, we took a brief detour to take a gander at the Pineapple Dump (which is literally the spot where remnants of pineapples were once dumped into the ocean) before continuing on to Paliku (also known as Donkey) Beach. The beach access trail was hidden behind a significant amount of overgrown greenery, but eagle eyed Adam spotted the sign and down we went (as jokes about feeling like Children of the Corn were bandied about). This time the kiddos were wearing swimwear, so despite the cooler water temp, they all had fun engaging in their chosen ocean activities: Abby mostly gazed out at the waves and let the water wash over her feet, while Isaac and Brady alternately splashed in the water and constructed sand structures.

Afterward, we returned to Koloa and stopped at The Fresh Shave's new permanent location for some shave ice. For the second day running I went with coffee and cream as my flavor profile, and the Dirt Squirrel didn't disappoint. I don't think any of the flavors disappointed, actually. There's something to be said for using fresh ingredients!

Then it was back to the house to chill. The boys, Adam, and his dad all played a game of Fast Food Franchise while I laid low until dinner time.

All in all, it was another good day in paradise. And I am grateful for the time and the experiences.

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