Sunday, June 16, 2024

June 16

It's been a busy weekend, with Isaac's birthday yesterday and Father's Day today. But I think it's been a good one with plenty to celebrate. And plenty to reflect on, too.

It's something of a tender holiday for Adam, so my plan for the day was to just wing it based on what he decided he wanted to do in the moment. So I took the brositos for their game warmups this morning while he and Abby went to church. Then they joined us for the game itself. 

From there went headed to Outback for late lunch slash early dinner. It was surprisingly crowded for 2PMish, but we were able to get a table right away and enjoyed a very pleasant meal.

When we got home, Adam headed outside for a nap on the deck, and then after he awoke, we all --including Lambie-- gathered in the family room to watch "Taken." And then there were presents. And then the boys went up to bed and Abby went up to her room and it was mostly quiet. 

I think he had a good day. I hope he did. But it's hard to know because these holidays hit differently when you've lost a child; when you're missing someone who should still be with you. There's no way to make it better and celebrations can feel hollow. But he should be celebrated because he's a terrific dad to all four of our kids. And I am grateful for him.

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