Saturday, June 15, 2024

June 15

Today is Isaac's 16th birthday. And it was a very Isaac kind of day, with an early baseball game and afternoon computer gaming with Adam and dinner at his fave-of-late, CPK (or California Pizza Kitchen, as he always calls it. He's never bought in to that particular acronym). And presents and a banana cake with banana filling and homemade chocolate frosting, shaped into the form of a glass of root beer by baking extraordinaire Abby.

All in all, he had a good day. He seemed genuinely happy and jovial and that's a huge blessing.

Now what can I say about this kid? Well, as the third of four and a middle child, I know he often feels like an afterthought. But I wish he realized that he's not. Far from it, really. Much of the time --especially when I watch him stay behind after games to help his coach break down equipment long after his teammates have skedaddled or the way he does potentially scary things like going to camp without knowing any of the other kids on the bus-- I marvel over how remarkable he is. How he takes risks and puts himself last and helps out and thinks carefully and deeply before responding to most situations. He's quietly remarkable. He doesn't draw attention to himself (and in fact, most of the time he tries to avoid being in the spotlight) so others often miss all the good that he does, but he does it anyway. Even when he gets zero credit. Even when no one but God notices. That's the real stuff right there; the real stuff of a good life.

He's always been a genuinely good, kind, thoughtful kid and brother, and I feel so blessed to be able to watch him grow into a young man who possesses those same traits. We need more people like him in this world. 

Happy 16th birthday, Isaac! I love you.

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