Sunday, June 2, 2024

June 1

We arose early this morning, piled into the car, and drove to Oakland while munching on Mickey D's McMuffins. Our final destination: Kaua'i, following a brief stopover in Honolulu.

We've had some doozies when it comes to travel experiences, so I feel very blessed to report that both of our flights were on time. In fact, the first leg actually touched down 45 minutes ahead of schedule. ("Dogs and cats living together" kind of stuff right there.)

Anyway, our bags came out mercifully quickly and we headed out to the curb, where Adam's dad picked us up and shuttled us to the house lickety split. We hung around admiring the view for a little while before the boys changed into their trunks and we strolled over to the Club pools. I walked around for a short time checking to see what had changed since we were last here in 2019 before joining Abby and my in-laws beside the pools.

After Isaac pursued a chicken (center image) I enjoyed a lower octane version of one of my father-in-law's famous mai tais before we all sat down to a dinner of ribs and corn on the cob. Then after dinner we headed over to Uncle's Shave Ice for our first icy treat of the trip. As usual, I chose my trusty cherry and vanilla combo. Also as usual, the boys picked the most disgusting-sounding combination the could think so and then scarfed them down.

I would and could say more, but truthfully, I've fallen asleep twice while typing just this much. So for good travel days and for the week to come, I am thankful.

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