Friday, May 31, 2024

May 31

Today was the last day of sophomore year for Isaac and seventh grade for Brady. So this Fall we'll have two juniors (since Abby will also be in her third year at Wheaton) and an eighth grader. It'll be the return of the big fish!

As is our custom, I took Last Day of School door pictures before we left this morning. They pretty much confirmed what I already knew: Brady's grown a LOT since August, while Isaac held steady (for the most part. He may have gained a half inch or so. It's hard to tell. I just know that I have to tip my head back pretty far to see his face these days). 

It's been a year of ups and downs, but I'm very proud of both of them for persevering. And I'm looking forward to having them both around more during the summer (as long as the wrestling matches are brief and don't result in injury) because they're great boys and being their mom is a blessing.

(I'd be remiss if I didn't touch on Logan today as well since he's my other wonderful boy. He would've graduated from high school tonight had he never gotten sick. I've shared my thoughts on the subject over in my old blog. You can find the entry here.)

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