Wednesday, May 1, 2024

May 1

I think it's human nature to be mad when we don't get what we think we deserve. When the big promotion goes to someone who hasn't been at the company as long as you have or when momentum in the game abruptly shifts in the final inning and your team unexpectedly snatches defeat from the jaws of victory, it can be hard to swallow the residual disappointment and frustration. It's hard to not get what we feel we've earned.

But sometimes, it's important to be grateful when we don't get what we deserve.

After I dropped this guy off at school, I decided to drive over to Dublin to see if the Target had any new Cars with Faces. (They did not.) Since I had time, I headed over to Walmart to look there as well (spoiler alert: again, no dice) so I navigated to Dublin Boulevard. Which is known to be a favorite for ticket-giving motorcycle cops. (See where I'm going?)

Now I wasn't going really fast; I was in the right lane and the car ahead of me was definitely going faster. But I saw the two policemen on the bikes pointing their speed guns in my direction and I knew it was too late to do anything. My fate was sealed. So I held my breath.

I watched and cringed a little as the first chopper pulled out behind the car in front of me and turned on its lights. I continued holding that breath. Then the second pulled out behind the car behind me and turned on its lights. So the cars in front of and behind me were pulled over. But me? I was not. 

I continued on (driving right at the speed limit), feeling a deep sense of gratitude that somehow, this time, I hadn't gotten what I probably deserved. For that, I am grateful. And I am also grateful for the reminder that it's not always awesome to get what I deserve, and that although God knows my wants and desires and preferences, He ultimately knows what's best for me.

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