Thursday, May 30, 2024

May 30

Abby sent me a video this afternoon but I was busy picking up the boys from their second-to-last day of school, so I didn't watch it right away. After I got home, popped a Benadryl to calm my flaring allergies, and sat down on my bed to rest, she plunked down next to me and told me I should watch that video. So I did.

As I watched the clip --which was about parents who go into their rooms to have some alone-time only to have their teenage children join them one by one-- Brady sauntered into the room and flopped onto the bed next to his sister.

I chuckled at the irony.

I love these two. And I love Isaac. And Logan. And I hope they know that my door is always open to them, even when I'm tired. And even when it's literally closed. (Just knock first!) Because they are among God's greatest gifts to me.

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