Saturday, May 4, 2024

May 4

It was supposed to be another baseball-rich Saturday for us, but a (very odd) early May storm washed out all of the games on the schedule. So instead, we hung around the house and chilled.

Some of us watched the Greta Gerwig version of "Little Women" during the early afternoon hours. Some of us played video games. Some of us went into our room and fell asleep while watching true crime. (Me. That last one would be me.)

After dinner, we all sat around the kitchen table where Isaac taught us a new card game. 

And, of course, there was sibling bonding time, as suggested by the photo. It's such a blessing to have them (and their animal pals) under our roof once again. More chaotic, yes, but infinitely sweeter because in a way, they're really only fully themselves when they're together.

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