Thursday, May 16, 2024

May 16

Phew, I'm tired. Like "I'm ready to nod off at any moment" sleepy so I'd best get moving.

It was a good day, all in all. We had our morning trip to the Mother Ship followed by ice cream at Jimmie Cone (this go round was black raspberry --which happens to be one of my very favorite flavors-- with rainbow jimmies). Then we picked up some photos I'd ordered to use on one of the photo memory boards for Saturday.

So back to the house we went to work on said photo boards, with Abby focused on one and me on another until I decided we should break for lunch at 2ish. After briefly conferring over what we wanted, we navigated to IHOP where we enjoyed our girl time over tres leches pancakes and chicken and waffles.

Then it was back to the house once again to work on the boards again until it was time to leave for my brother's house at around 6:40 PM. Once there, we were greeted by Bobby, Reaya, and Bri, and we joined them in ordering takeout from The Hornet's Nest for dinner. After dinner, Bobby went into silly mode with the reversible gnome I sent him at Christmas last year. The gnome and the ensuing antics made me laugh until my sides hurt, which was a blessing because laughter is such an amazing cure for whatever's under my skin. 

Finally, we re-loaded the car and drove back to grandma's house one more time. And that's where I am now. Very tired, but content. And that's a blessing.

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