Sunday, May 19, 2024

May 19

This morning we got up and wandered around grandma's house one last time partly taking mental (and some actual) photographs and partly looking for meaningful mementos we could carry with us before heading to the airport for our flight back home.

We were all emotional as, one by one and in our own time, we stepped outside. After I closed the door for the last time, Adam gathered us into a circle right there on the driveway and said a prayer of thanksgiving for grandma and for all of the wonderful Christmases we spent with her. And for what a tremendous blessing her life was to so many.

I took one more walk around the circle --that circle I've traversed so, so many times before over the past 40 years-- and then asked that we take a photo before we left. So here we are.

Although you can see the emotion on our faces and those feelings are hard, I am thankful. I'm thankful for the trip and for these people standing with me and for those who aren't pictured. And for how my grandma's example will continue to inspire each of us to live better, more generous, more loving, and more faithful lives.

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