Tuesday, May 28, 2024

May 28

Brady's Intermediates team party was held tonight at the home of one of his teammates.

Initially he planned to leave early so he could attend Youth Group with Isaac, but --mid-way through an impromptu and enthusiastic wiffle ball game in the street that gave off a classic "teen boys in the summer" vibe-- decided he'd rather stay at the party. So that's what he did. And based on how sweaty he was when he finally came home a few hours later, I'd say he had a good time.

Awesome stats aside, he really enjoyed being part of this team. It's a nice group of boys and they share a great sense of camaraderie that you don't always find on teams that are formed for a single season of play. 

They gelled. They had fun. They enjoyed each other's company. They won a bunch of games. They made my kiddo's life better. So for all of those big blessings, I'm grateful.

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