Monday, May 20, 2024

May 20

I was tucked into my usual corner spot at the Mother Ship this morning finishing up my coffee when a group of developmentally disabled adults and their caretakers came inside. They took the chairs around me and I'd been intending to leave anyway so I started to get up, but the woman who appeared to be in charge smiled and said I didn't need to give up my seat. So I opted to stick around a few minutes longer, and in hindsight, I'm so glad I did.

Why? Well, a younger-looking woman gazed intently at me for about 30 seconds before pointing at my shirt, which had "Orioles" emblazoned across the front in orange and black scroll. She studied it for a few more seconds before asking if I liked the Giants.

I smiled in return and explained that I was actually an Oriole fan, and a very pleasant conversation followed. She was definitely cognitively challenged; she spoke slowly and deliberately and even concocted memories with my kiddos after I told her their ages. But she was sweet. And I could practically hear Jesus saying how much He cares for her. And how important it is to Him that we --that I-- take the time to make her feel valued because she matters just as much as any other person who walks the earth.

So for that reminder --and for the feeling in that moment that Jesus was very, very near-- I am grateful.

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