Monday, May 27, 2024

May 27

Back when Abby and Logan (and even Isaac) were littles, we would go on day trips to various places around the Bay. With those memories in mind, Abby said she wanted to go ride the Steam Train at Tilden Park --which we hadn't done since Brady was a baby-- so that's what we did this morning.

We left for Oakland at around 10:30 and arrived just in time to join the throng of fellow Memorial Day day-trippers in line for the next train. 

And even though my kids are all now big kids, it was really fun to share that ride through the woods with them once again. Brady was your average "this is stupid" 13-year old so he sulked, but both Isaac and Abby were enthusiastic riders, and their enthusiasm was infectious. And my memories of Logan riding along with us were salient. Bittersweet for sure, but I'm thankful to have them.

After the ride, we went to Wendy's in Rockridge to pick up lunch, and then on to a bench with a view of Lake Temescal to consume it. 

It was a blessing to be out with my family, and it inspired me to look into more day trips that we can do over the summer. I'm not sure how many we'll actually tackle, but I'm excited about the possibilities.

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