Tuesday, May 14, 2024

May 14

It was a rainy Tuesday in Maryland, but Abby and I made the best of it.

Thanks to the calming effects of Benadryl, my alarm clock, and a smattering of willpower (but mostly the alarm clock), I managed to get up a bit earlier than yesterday, and found Abby dressed and ready to get moving when I cracked open my bedroom door.

Our first stop was Dunkin for some (duh) donuts. She opted for the double chocolate cake variety, while I was drawn in by the promise of Oriole magic with my cream-filled orange and black selection. (When in Rome, after all.) Then we washed down the sugar with some coffee from the Mother Ship. (Well, I did. Abby went with the less caffeinated "water" option.)

From there, I confirmed with my dad that he was up for a visit, so we drove to his post office up in Rocky Ridge. (Locals, if you don't know where that is, it's cool. I didn't, either.) We had a nice time sitting and talking for a while, and I even managed to find the one elusive puzzle piece that he needed to complete the picture he'd been working on. On our way back out of town, we stopped by the Loys Station Covered Bridge (since we visited the nearby Utica Covered Bridge last summer while we were here). Abby wasn't thrilled about this side trip since a) she was wearing a skirt and tank and b) it was raining, but I was undeterred and even skipped back to the car after we'd captured our snaps. (There's video.) Since the lunch hour had long since passed by then, I navigated us to Arby's so she could have more roast beef, and then we returned to grandma's house to continue working on the photo boards for this weekend. Then a little later we grabbed bowls at Chipotle, where we spied a policeman who looked strangely like my brother Bobby noshing away at his own dinner.

It's still weird to be here without grandma, but it's been fun to go through her photos. She has book upon book and box upon box of them, and it's so cool to see some of our family's history laid out frame by frame. It's a gift to me, and I am grateful for it.

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