Tuesday, May 21, 2024

May 21

I think I've mentioned it before but I was the team parent for the JV baseball squad this year. Given that we only had one coach it required quite a lot of work to keep things running smoothly, but I like to help when I can and the coach is a nice guy so I didn't mind putting in the effort.

With all of that said, tonight was the baseball banquet. Isaac had a TVBR game so I didn't think he'd be able to attend, but the match-up was settled relatively quickly so we hightailed it back into town so he could go. I got there in time to say a few words about Coach Zach, and after it was over, we headed home.

Since we weren't planning to go to the dinner coach had texted me earlier today to say he'd left a little something on the porch to thank me for my help, and when I checked, I found the loveliest little collection: a pink Stanley cup, flowers, and some Mother Ship money, along with a nice note. I don't know how he did it, but it's pretty much the ideal thank you collection for me.

It's really wonderful to feel appreciated, so I am very thankful for this unexpected gesture.

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