Monday, August 1, 2022

August 1

When I got home from my Bible study this morning, Abby greeted me with 'mummy!' and a hug. Then she told me she wanted to go get a sandwich from the Bagel Cafe. So, after a brief downtime, we transformed that desire into a reality.

As we made the short trip, I was conscious that it would be one of our last such-excursions for the next several months because we take her to Chicago to begin The College Years later this week.

Time has flown by, folks. Everyone always said it would, starting back when she was a tiny baby wearing a lacy headband and a blue dress in her bucket seat at Costco and an older women peered in at her, smiled, and remarked that she'd be grown before I knew what had happened.

A lot (lot) has happened in the years since, but one constant as we muddled through the storms has always been that this girl was a daily fixture in my life. That will change and we'll have to find different ways to connect, of course, but I'm still excited for her future and for how our relationship will evolve. It makes me sad to think that things won't be the same because I've never been one to enthusiastically embrace change, but I am so grateful for what will be, because I just know it will be great.

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