Tuesday, August 31, 2021

August 31

Abby and Isaac had Youth Group tonight so it was just me, Adam, and Brady after dinner.

After the A's game ended, Adam asked Brady if he would go get his baseball glove so they could play catch in the yard, and Brady's face lit up like a Christmas tree. He scampered down to the garage and a few minutes later, they headed outside.

The two of them rarely have solo time together, so it was good for my heart to see them out there enjoying some dad-son time.

Monday, August 30, 2021

August 30

After three-plus very long years, this girl finally had her braces removed this morning.

I waited in the car (because of COVID) while she went inside. When she emerged about 40 minutes later, she plunked down in the passenger seat, and with just a little cajoling, she flashed her brand new, wire-free smile. And the sight made me smile.

Sure, it's always a big deal when braces are removed, but it was an extra big deal because the process dragged on and on (and on) for my girl. She remained (mostly) patient as COVID restrictions and then stubborn, slow-moving teeth pushed the removal date further and further into the future. I'm proud of her for persevering through those disappointments, and
I am grateful for that lovely new grin.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

August 29

Today was, by all accounts, a regular Sunday. 

It was another lazy weekend day with these kind, wacky, smart, intuitive, silly, sweet people who I am beyond blessed to call my children. (Well, three of them, anyway. How I wish Logan were in the frame, too.)

I am so very grateful for all of them.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

August 28

I love growing food and always have. We had huge gardens when I was growing up so I love the feel and smell of dirt and get great satisfaction from plucking my seed-grown bell peppers, beans, peas, and tomatoes.

This year, I added a newbie to my repertoire: lima beans.

I don't know a lot of people (except maybe Adam's dad and now Isaac) who like them, but I have very fond childhood memories of eating home-grown lima beans during dinners in my grandparents' kitchen nook. They were always warm and fork-tender and buttery and just so delicious that I could easily have eaten the entire bowl of them all by myself.

So anyway, today I'm grateful that my five little lima bean plants were productive and that I was able to introduce my primary veggie eater (Mr. Isaac) to them. And for the shot of joyful nostalgia that popping them from their pods provides.

Friday, August 27, 2021

August 27

I like simple things that remind me to have a Jesus-perspective on life.

That's why I bought plain silver rings engraved with the words "hope" and "love" earlier this month. 

Initially I had just the two of them because I couldn't find a "faith" version that was anywhere near the correct size. But today when I was out shopping, I came across one that works. It's a size bigger than the other two, but I figured that if I put it on first, the others will hold it in place, right?

So this evening, I am grateful for these tangible reminders that love, hope, and faith are all real-deal blessings from God.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

August 26

This week, this littlest guy of mine has been intent on getting things done in the morning before he goes to school. (Which I know is funny given the state of his hair a few entries ago but hey, that's my life.)

So today, he got up early, made his bed (which is code for "threw the blanket I made for him over his mattress"), combed his hair, ate breakfast, washed his face, and brushed his teeth. (Yes, he ate a lollipop after he brushed his teeth. Sigh.)

When he finished, he wandered downstairs, took a lap through the kitchen, and then moved a pillow so he could plunk down next to me.

It's nice that he wanted to sit by his mom. The very simplest blessings are so often the best of them all.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

August 25

I know that some day soon, I'll miss moments like this so today I'm deliberately appreciating this one.

After dinner, Abby went outside to do laps around the pool and I followed her (since she so enjoys our rounds of Pursuit). A few minutes later, Brady came outside and attempted to wreak havoc as he sometimes does. (This time, his approaches included chasing Abby, blocking her path, and shooting a water gun in close proximity to her feet. She was not amused.)

Perhaps sensing his sister's agitation, Isaac appeared a little later and engaged Brady in chicanery. He took little bro on a few piggyback laps around the pool and then retrieved his dogs and phone from the deck before heading back inside.

I appreciated Isaac's strategic interference and I appreciated seeing them have fun together. These moments are a treasure.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

August 24

This is how Brady's hair looked when he got up this morning.

And this is also how it looked when he went to school. (I thought the spikes were pretty impressive. I have no idea how he positions his body when he sleeps to achieve the look but it's unique.)

I've learned to really carefully pick my battles so I'm sure his teacher (and past teachers) think I'm incompetent, but it's okay. I don't really mind.

Truth be told, although the unkempt'ness of it makes me cringe a bit, I kind of love that he doesn't care what anyone else thinks. This is him, and he owns it. 

So for his willingness to march to the beat of his own (albeit messy) drum, I am grateful.

Monday, August 23, 2021

August 23

Sometimes I just do things and hope that God will bless my efforts. I don't usually get urgent "do this right now" messages, but I do get feelings at times that I should do... well, something. (And sometimes I have no idea what that something is, so I feel my way around until I come up with something that seems to convey the needed message or words of encouragement.) Anyway, that was why I made the purple blanket I posted about a week ago.

Today said-item arrived at its destination and the recipient --who is slowly watching her beloved sister mentally deteriorate over time-- texted me a thank you. And she also included the detail to the left.

What she didn't know is how I hemmed and hawed over the color I should use. I initially began with a vibrant peach color --because no matter what, I've always associated this person with bright colors because her spirit is so vivid-- but after a few rows, it just didn't feel right. So I went back to my yarn closet (well, one of them) to take a look. And when I saw that purple, I immediately thought "yes, that's the one. That's the color for her." And then I got to work and never looked back or second-guessed the choice.

I had no idea that it was her sister's favorite color. No clue. I feel so honored that God used me to create something that my friend will be able to look at and use in her sister's memory in the years to come. It's such a gift to me, and I am thankful.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

August 22

We went to get ice cream this evening after dinner. While we waited, these three wonderful goofballs of mine danced to "Never Gonna Give You Up" right there in front of the strip mall that houses the DQ.

I'd initially herded them together because they were all still wearing their nice clothes from church and I wanted to take a group pic, but then whispering of the lyrics of that iconic Rick Astley song started and the dancing began... so I (rick) rolled with it. (Sorry, that was a terrible dad-like joke.)

Anyway, I love these people. I love the lack of inhibitions that allowed them to bust a move in public and I love their silliness and I love their hearts. They most definitely make my life sweet.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

August 21

My girl and I went shopping this afternoon, as we often do on Saturdays.

I was tired and didn't really feel like going out, but she was enthusiastic so I decided to make a go of it. 

And after the fact, I'm glad I did. All we did was hit Hobby Lobby, Target, Michaels, and Wendy's, but it was fun to spend time with her.

Because time with this girl of mine is always a blessing.

Friday, August 20, 2021

August 20

Abby hasn't been particularly thrilled about being in her last year of high school, so I was happy to find her in a good mood when I picked her up this afternoon.

It turns out they had a school-wide rally and that the seniors all got crowns (from Burger King) and --if they wanted them-- leis. And if her cheerful demeanor was any indicator of truth, she was happy to receive both. 

Seeing her enjoy herself is a blessing, so I am grateful for those little things that made her smile.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

August 19

Jessica is currently serving as the interim worship director at our church, and a month or two ago I invited her over so I could get to know her a little better. Today, we finally made it happen.

The air was substantially clearer than the smoky mess that was yesterday, so we sat in the backyard with goodies from the Bagel Cafe and talked about life for more than an hour. She's genuine and sweet and intelligent, and I really enjoyed the time.

So today, I'm grateful for her honesty and openness, and for the start of a new friendship.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

August 18

It's quite possible that the last time I saw Shari was 19 years ago yesterday --at my wedding-- but neither of us could remember for sure. But I do know that when she messaged me to say that she was visiting her brother in the Bay Area and wondered if I would like to have coffee, I said yes right away.

Although we've already established that I hadn't seen her in I'm-not-sure-how-long, we worked for the same company 20 years ago. Back then she was probably the person I was most likely to engage in idle chit-chat with during the workday, but since then we've both gone in very different directions: she went into nursing back in Baltimore, and I raised kids and drive the Mom Bus out here. (And did the freelance writing thing for a while.) 

So today, she did me a solid by driving over from Oakland (and into our smoky, smoky valley) and we had coffee (along with brunch) at Bill's. And we spent a lovely couple of hours catching up.

Anyway, she's a very, very kind person and it was truly wonderful to see her in person. It's always a blessing to reconnect with old friends, so I am grateful that she reached out.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

August 17

Adam and I celebrated our 19th wedding anniversary today.

In some ways it's hard to believe that those two people standing there next to the front door where we take the kids' annual first and last day of school pics are the same two people who said "I do" --the girl wearing her mom's tiara and the guy who was so nervous that he looked like he would pass out right there at the altar-- all those years ago, but yep, that's us.

And as I reflected over our celebratory dinner at Haps tonight, I think I'm a better person than I was at 24. I'm more patient, more understanding, more compassionate. Maybe not more intelligent, per se, because having kids totally eats brain cells and I'm not sure I could navigate my way out of a cardboard box these days, but I'm definitely wiser. So much wiser, in fact, that I sometimes look back at Younger Me and do an actual facepalm. 

And this new and improved version of me? I owe it to two people: Jesus and this guy right here. So today, I'm grateful to Tina for taking all three kids to Youth Group tonight (thank you Tina!) and I'm extra grateful for our 19 years of marriage. It hasn't always been easy, but it's always, always been worth the effort.

Monday, August 16, 2021

August 16

I finished this little lovely today, and in a few days it'll be off to its new home.

I had a specific person in mind when I started it, and I prayed for that person intermittently as I worked. (I say "intermittently" because I'm being real here: I get distracted. I watch episodes of SVU and chit-chit with my kids and sing along with music as I stitch, too. But prayer is most definitely part of the process. An important part.)

I love that this has become something of a mini ministry for me. I'm thankful that I decided to learn to crochet last year and that God gave me the grace to stick with it when I wanted to throw the hook across the room. If me doing this makes a single person's day a little brighter, then I consider the time and money invested in the effort well-spent.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

August 15

Brady really likes to create, whether it be via weaving or baking or cardboard creature construction. 

So today, he created strawberry Jello. (He'd been asking to make some for a few weeks now and apparently mentioned the desire to Adam's mom when the kiddos spent the weekend with them last month, because she sent him home yesterday with a box of strawberry-flavored gelatinous goodness. So here we are.)

Anyway, if you've ever made Jello-from-a-box, you know it's a simple process, but it made him really happy to boil and chill and stir and refrigerate. And it made him really, really happy to open the fridge four hours later so he could sample his creation.

As I've said many, many times before (ad nauseum, in fact), the little things in life are really the big things. So today, I'm grateful that this little thing gave Brady so much joy.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

August 14

My sister-in-law Emily's birthday was last month, so today we went to Adam's parents' house for a belated celebration.

It was such a blessing to watch our little nephews and even littler niece run haphazardly around with Isaac and Brady, and it was a blessing to have some down time to chit chat with my fellow grown-ups.

So for that time of familial togetherness, I am grateful.

Friday, August 13, 2021

August 13

I was ferrying the kiddos home from school this afternoon when Isaac asked if he could roll his window down. I don't usually like having the rear windows open when I'm driving because the rushing wind behind me tends to have an unpleasant impact on my inner ear, but this time I said okay and rolled it down myself.

When I glanced back a few seconds later, he was positioned like this: face inclined toward the window, eyes closed. He looked completely relaxed. (And as I slowed to a stop at a red light, I awkwardly snapped this pic without looking.)

I so love that he can enjoy something as simple as the feel of the breeze on his face; the way it gently tickles his eyelashes and ruffles his hair. In a world filled with distractions, it's a blessing to see him focus on something so wonderfully simple.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

August 12

The air today wasn't quite as clean as it has been the past few days, but it made for a beautiful sunset.

I always think there's something absolutely otherworldly about sunbeams like this; it's almost like the arms of Heaven are reaching out in an almost tangible way. 

So for those moments of loveliness before the night sky took over, I am grateful.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

August 11

And so it begins: THE year.

The year that's been on my radar for several years now. THE year that we have a Senior, an eighth grader, and a fifth grader. The year that will wrap in early June with not just one or two transitions, but three as one finishes high school, one middle school, and the other, elementary.

It was more than a little overwhelming when I got up this morning, threw on some shorts and a shirt, and headed down to the kitchen to find the three of them already milling about as they ate the breadsticks Adam accidentally made. (The cans all look the same, he explained, and he didn't notice they weren't cinnamon rolls until he'd already popped it open. Oops.)

They were miraculously agreeable as I took their annual First Day photos; first individually, and then as a group. (Although there was one small hiccup when Isaac --who initially appeared wearing a Mario shirt and A's shorts-- took a long glance at his siblings and scampered back to his room after deciding he needed to change into something nicer. It reminded me of how he preferred dress clothes when he was very young.)

Anyway, after grabbing their backpacks --a "Cars" one for Abby, in honor of sweet Logan, an Orioles one for Brady, and plain grey for Isaac-- we headed off, with Adam shuttling Abby to the high school while I ferried the boys to their destinations. When all was said and done, everyone got to school on time (despite the awful traffic), and everyone had good days. 

I have a million emotions about today and about the months that are to come (and some extra ones stemming from the truth that today marks exactly 9 1/2 years since Logan went home to Jesus), but I'm nowhere near processing them all because doing that will no doubt be like untangling a long-tangled ball of superfine yarn. And at this moment, I'm just not ready for the challenge. But I'll get there. I'll process and I'll look back and smile and I'll move forward and I'll be grateful for all of the days and hours and seconds I'm given with these people and with everyone I love.

So for good first days and for growth and for the promise that the future will be filled with good gifts from God, I am thankful, even if I'm feeling overwhelmed.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

August 10

This one... this one is hard to write.

I didn't love high school. I didn't have a group, I rarely felt like I fit in, and I didn't know how to make it better. (I even took a blind date to prom because no one else asked me and I desperately wanted to go.) So suffice it to say that my voice is never among the "heck yeah!" contingent when the "would you ever want to go back to your teen years?" question is floated.

But there were a few things that made it palatable. There were the crazy, moonlit backroads drives and movies and ice cream at Friendly's with Meg. And there was Silver Chips, the school newspaper. That was big for me; it was my Thing.

I was co-editor in chief of Silver Chips my senior year, and I relished the job because I worked hard to get it. The late Friday nights spent in the computer lab putting the monthly editions to bed were the best parts of my high school experience and I cherish the memories of sitting in the hall (away from those precious computers) eating Jerry's pizza with Mr. Mathwin and the rest of the staff. 

Erik was one of those staff members. (I had a niggling feeling that I had a pic from our graduation in 1996, and after poring through box after box of albums this afternoon, I finally found it, so here it is. Enjoy my pasty whiteness.) He served as co-sports editor (or Sports Chief, as he routinely called himself) and when he wasn't lobbying for more pages for sports stories, he was cracking jokes or talking about U2 or Saved by the Bell

So when I woke up this morning to a text message letting me know that he'd died of cancer earlier this week, I lost my breath for a few seconds. We weren't close, per se, because I didn't really let myself have close friends until well into adulthood, but he was always, always kind to me. And that kindness stuck with me despite the passage of 20-plus years, even if I never reached out to tell him so.

We followed each other on Facebook, so I know that he left behind a beautiful wife and three absolutely adorable young children. Please pray for them, because this kind of loss... it's monumental. It fundamentally alters life and sends you spinning in all sorts of topsy-turvy directions. I know the journey far more intimately than I would like, so I know they will need the extra love.

Rest well, Sports Chief. You ran an amazing race.

Monday, August 9, 2021

August 9

This is a bruise on my leg. I'm not entirely certain about its origin, but I think it's the result of the car door closing on it a few weeks ago. (I'm not that exceptionally klutzy: our driveway slopes downward and sometimes gravity does unfortunate things when I'm getting in and out.)

Anyhow, I've been watching it change color for several days now. It's gone from black and white to an angry-looking blackish dark blue to deep purplish blue to what it is now: a mottled mishmash of lighter purple and yellow and light brown. 

So in other words, I've been watching it heal. And the process is, when you think about it, kinda sorta miraculous.

It's miraculous how angry dark blue can turn to light yellow over time. It's miraculous that wounds don't have to be permanent; that though challenges will arise and knock us over, we can still get back up and continue on. If our bodies of flesh were gifted with the ability to heal themselves when injured, just think of what God can --and will!-- do with our broken hearts and spirits when we offer them up to Him for repair.

Pretty amazing, I think. And pretty miraculous. 

Sunday, August 8, 2021

August 8

I love mellow Sundays. 

Church in the morning to start the new week off in the right heartset (you know, like mindset? I'm not sure if it's a word but if it's not I think it ought to be). Then afternoon chill time featuring a mix of hammock time (because thank you Jesus for clearer air), TV, and crocheting. 

And then evening TV and crochet time, punctuated by an impromptu post-sunset stroll and chit-chat with my hunny.

It's easy to forget sometimes, but this life is filled with blessings. And mellow Sundays are right up there with the best of 'em.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

August 7

It was a lovely, lovely Saturday. While Abby went to the in-laws' house to bake with Adam's mom and sister, the boys of the house met up with Adam's brother's family and Adam's dad to bowl. I enjoyed two hours to myself alone in my house before joining the latter bunch for lunch at Chili's.

The top pic is from the kids' (minus Melody, plus Adam) table.

Then this evening, I headed out to Heidi's "big" birthday party, where I enjoyed tacos, great conversation, and surprisingly non-smoky air. It was wonderful to chat with friends; it was more wonderful to see Heidi absolutely basking in the joy of the moment.

Time spent with good people is always time well-used, so today most definitely brimmed with sweet blessings.

Friday, August 6, 2021

August 6

Some days are just so filled with blessings that it's impossible to focus on just one. So I won't.

I was sitting by the window in the master bedroom crocheting early this afternoon when I heard Mary's car start up. (Mary lives across the street.) I know she takes a daily sojourn to the Mother Ship, so I hustled to get my shoes on so I could go along for the ride, and was dismayed when the sound of the engine grew faint. I shot her a quick "I wasn't fast enough!" text and she shot back "I hadn't gotten far!" and actually came back for me a few seconds later. It was a brief interaction, but so good for my social little heart.

Then (and this is not pictured, but only because I forgot to take a pic) I took Abby for her last-ever school ID photo pic (which turned out cute) and then for a trim (although in hindsight it would've been better the other way around but oh well).

Then early this evening, as Adam and I were getting ready for a dinner date, I noticed the kiddos at the table eating their pizza and getting along so I ran over to take a pic.

And then there was the dinner date itself at Eddie Papas, complete with a cherry vanilla cotton candy meal chaser. Carmel aside, we hadn't been out on a date-date in quite some time, so it was nice to just sit with him and listen to the latest work happenings.

So that's much of my day. The sky may be smoky because the wind changed and there are still many, many problems in this world, but I am thankful that today was filled with so many joyful moments. And I am thankful that I remembered to take the time to soak them all in.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

August 5

It felt like a victory when, after dinner this evening, I told the kids that I wanted them to try on their clothes and then clear out the items that no longer fit and they actually went upstairs to DO it.

When Adam and I got home from an evening stroll a little later, Isaac was waiting for us, wearing all 26 of his shirts. At the same time.

Why? Because he took my words literally and tried on ALL of his clothes. (The shirts, at least. I'm guessing the pants were a bigger challenge than he could handle.)

He was so pleased with himself that I couldn't help but smile at the enthusiasm. And, well, it was pretty darn funny that he could wear *26* shirts at once and still look relatively thin.

Anyway, that's my kid for you. And that unabashed goofiness is a blessing.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

August 4

Abby had her last driving lesson today and when it was over, her instructor proclaimed her a great driver. She was chipper afterward and the chipperness continued into the evening hours, so I didn't think twice about seeing if she wanted to go for a walk this evening after dinner.

I forgot to take a pic while we were out so this is from right after we got back home, but my lameness aside, I think we had a wonderful stroll. 

I know I keep saying this but I think it's important to continually express gratitude for the blessings in this life. So... I continue to be grateful for her and for all of the goodness she adds to my life.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

August 3

It's National Night Out, so since we live on an awesome street, we had a get-together in the cul de sac this evening.

In addition to chit-chat with our amazing neighbors (and a few from the street that intersects with ours) and snacks and wine (because duh), we also had visits from several different police officers (three or four cars'worth!) and firemen. (And their firetruck, which is how we got this fun pic!)

Anyway, it was a great evening, and I am beyond grateful that God placed us where we are right now.

Monday, August 2, 2021

August 2

It was a lovely Monday. I started it by getting up "early" to go to a Bible study at my church. (Thanks to Tina for chasing our car yesterday). It was wonderful to spend time with such a great group of ladies.

Then I picked up a prescription at the pharmacy (which gave me a great opportunity to exercise my underdeveloped patience-muscle) and headed home for some downtime.

Late in the afternoon, I offered to take Abby to the mall and she accepted, so we headed off for some retail therapy. And then after dinner, we engaged in a game of pursuit with music (which is also known as "follow Abby around the pool and make weird faces at her while we listen to our respective tunes". It's a thing). 

So yes. It was a lovely day. And I am thankful for all of it.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

August 1

We all loaded into Adam's truck and went to DQ for some ice cream this evening.

It was a regular old Sunday and there was no special occasion, no holiday, no real reason for the trip; we just went and picked out our treats of choice and stood around in the late-afternoon sunshine as we waited.

Sometimes, it's a blessing to just go and to just be.