Monday, December 16, 2024

December 16

Brady went over to Jackson's house to work out this afternoon (because that's what they do these days) and then afterward, they went for a bike ride.

At one point he texted to tell me to look out the window, so I did. And I saw him ride by on his bike. He had a big grin on his face and I could tell from his posture that he was having fun -- a lot of fun, really.

I feel a bit bad that he didn't have a bicycle earlier; bike-riding was, after all, a huge part of my growing-up years. We'd ride up and down the path behind our house --which was known as The Cobra for its succession of rises and falls-- and up and down the street and around the lake. Everywhere. I think we practically lived on our bikes during those summer months when I was around his age.

But lateness aside, I'm so grateful and glad that he's enjoying it and that he's having those experiences now. It's a gift to watch him have fun, and to know that it's an activity that he can enjoys with his pals.

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