Friday, March 27, 2015

March 27

This morning, Brady's preschool celebrated Easter. In addition to a celebratory pot luck lunch and some time in the classroom, we had a chapel session that featured the kids singing little songs and, of course, the telling of the Easter story.

Without going into details, something made me feel a flash of anger as we sat there in the church waiting for the program to start. Just as I felt the jolt of irritation hit me, I heard the preschool director addressing the kids in her usual good-natured, sing-songy tone. I heard her telling them that Jesus is forgiving.

I let it sink in for a moment. And then as Brady's class made their way to the front for their Easter stage debut, I looked up at the overhead screen and saw the words once again: Jesus is Forgiving. Sometimes, "winks" are less "winks" than they are virtual two-by-fours to the forehead. Jesus forgives, and so must I.

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