Wednesday, December 18, 2019

December 18

I don't feel like God jumps around and waves His arms at me to get my attention all that often, but I definitely notice when He does. And I definitely noticed those waving arms more than once today. The first instance gave rise to this rather lame representative image from this morning. (It's lame because the idea of asking a total stranger if I could take a picture of her felt creeper-esque.)

Anyhow, I was sitting in my customary spot at Starbucks just surfing the internet when I overheard a woman at the next table giving what amounted to be her personal faith testimony to her companion. I tried not to listen, but she was impassioned enough that it was hard to tune it out, so I continued to tune in and out until she got to a particularly salient bit when she talked about sticking with people and loving them through hard times, even when the very human parts of you are tempted to give up. And drawing the strength and wherewithal to do those things from God. It struck a chord with me in a big way, so I got up, went over to her, gave her a hug, and said thank you and Amen, sister. It could've been awkward, but when the spirit moves you, you move.

Later in the day, I spied a little printed note card on the coffee table in our family room that I'd not noticed before. It talked about how to help friends who are going through painful, difficult times and encouraged us to love and support one another by being present and willing to listen.

Without going into details, it was a double-shot of confirmation that I'm on the right track. And for that reassurance, I'm so grateful.

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