Sunday, December 22, 2019

December 22

It was a full first day back in Maryland. We headed out at about 10, dropped by my mother ship for some liquid energy, and then took the divide and conquer approach to finishing (or at least trying to finish) our Christmas shopping. We lunched at IHOP and then dropped by my mom's house where we picked up the little Christmas tree we use while we're here (which just so happens to be the little tree that was mine when I was little) and helped mom set up one of her own in the family room.

From there, we dropped off our purchases at grandma's house before we headed out again to my brother Bobby's house. We hung out and chatted with him, my sister-in-law Reaya, my nephew Brendan (who, like Abby, is 15), and my niece Brianna (who, like Isaac, is 11) for a while before making a corporate decision to go to dinner at the Hornet's Nest.

I don't know if it was the really, really tasty glass of sweet white wine or the string of silly text messages we exchanged with my brother Charlie (who is still in Los Angeles until Christmas Eve) or the company in general or being back in a really familiar place that holds long-held memories for me, but I loved dinner. We laughed and talked and had a grand time together. So for all of today --and for dinner in particular-- I'm so grateful.

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