Thursday, September 19, 2024

September 19

The sky for the past few days has been quite lovely.

Lots of clouds in lots of different shapes and forms with diffuse sunlight.

One of the things I love about clouds is how they never seem to look the same from one day to the next. They're always changing and moving and forming and re-forming. And they create beautiful images overhead.

So for all of that unpredictable loveliness, I am grateful, because it makes this broken world feel more palatable.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

September 18

Brady had practice this evening so dinner was a late one.

The mealtime conversation differed a bit from the norm, as Adam spent more time than usual talking about work (which quite honestly, was pretty amusing). 

After he'd finished his fries, Brady --enshrouded in a blanket he'd retrieved from the back of the couch-- disappeared and then reappeared with his Geometry textbook. Then with a burger in his right hand and a pencil in his left (which is weird since he's a righty) he started his homework. Every now and again he asked Isaac for help and big brother complied. 

It's always a blessing when they cooperate and assist one another, so I'm grateful that it worked that way tonight. And I'm also grateful for a nice, kickback kind of dinner with (most of) my people.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

September 17

Adam is finally feeling better so we were able to enjoy our usual Tuesday dinner date tonight.

No one (well, no one I know, anyway) enjoys being sick. And COVID in particular can pack a pretty nasty punch (as we're all aware). So I'm grateful that although my hunny was down for the count for a little while, he's been able to kick it relatively quickly.

I am, in short, grateful for the gifts of (relative) youth and decent immune systems.

Monday, September 16, 2024

September 16

I made the lion's share of this blanket while we were at my grandma's house a number of years ago. It started off as a granny square and kept growing and growing (and growing).

I worked on it in the family room while Grandma and I watched TV, and I remember how every time she looked back at me to check my progress, she'd exclaim (in her grandma-way) some variation of "oh my word, how big is that going to be?" And then she'd slowly shake her head and laugh.

It's a sweet memory, and I'm grateful that I can enjoy both the memory and some warmth when I burrow under my blanket.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

September 15

Brady was off boating with some friends  (livin' the high life, he is) so it was just Adam, Isaac, and I at home for most of the day. 

After he watched the 49ers play, tooled around on a video game, and then spent some time in his room, Isaac headed out back, set up the big blue nets, and hit some balls off the tee. (And yep, the tee is quite worn and has definitely seen better days!)

I was glad to see him out there. He loves baseball, so it was a blessing to be able to watch him engage in an activity that brings him a measure of contentment.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

September 14

Brady had a pair of games in Sunnyvale late this afternoon. It's not exactly a short ride and there's lots of freeway involved, so I was surprised when Adam told Isaac he could drive if he wanted to. And I was more surprised when the 16-year old said sure. 

Adam rode shotgun while I slid into the second row with Brady for the trip. Although I had my eyes closed through most of the time on the freeway and may have grabbed (and squeezed) Brady's arm a few times, Isaac did just fine and we arrived right on time.

There are many things I appreciate about Isaac, and one of them is his willingness to calmly take on new experiences (like longer drives on the freeway). So tonight I'm grateful for our safe trip (and for the two good wins for TVBR that followed!).

Friday, September 13, 2024

September 13

I don't remember exactly what prompted it, but Brady did some funky dance moves after school today.

I missed the initial performance but got a quick snap of the encore.

I love his random spurts of goofiness. I was feeling a little low earlier, so the unexpected humor was a big blessing to me.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

September 12

It's possible that I've shared the exact same observation I'm about to type at least once over the past several years, but that's okay. I'll share it again.

I was walking up and down my street this evening after dinner getting my steps in when I noticed just how many roses were in bloom. (In a nutshell: a lot.) Red ones, pink ones, magenta ones. And the white ones both in my neighbor's yard just down in the cul de sac and in front of our house. 

I don't like extended heat waves like we've had in recent history, but I do like roses. And roses love heat, so those 100-degree days make them extra happy. And extra fragrant. (Especially these white ones in my yard. They have such a perfect scent that I'm not even sure how to describe it.) They're a literally lovely reminder that beautiful things can arise from less than ideal circumstances.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

September 11

Fortunately, this is not my COVID test.

Unfortunately, it is Adam's.

He's been feeling under the weather for the past few days and was extra-specially under the weather today with congestion and chills, so I gave him a test this evening. And bam, positive.

So why is it a good thing that he's feeling crummy? It's not, really, but it does have a strange side effect: he's very, very chatty. He's said more to me in the last two hours than he's said all week long. 

It's all random stuff, mostly about the movie we're watching ("Sweet Home Alabama," which we've seen before, but for whatever reason, he has many questions and comments tonight). But the light-hearted communication is a good thing given how stressed he's been with work of late. So I'm thankful for it (even though I'm not actually thankful for COVID).

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

September 10

I've been on a hat-making kick of late, but today, as I looked at my substantial collection of scrap yarn, I decided to make a twiddlemuff instead.

My prayer shawl ministry group makes these (in addition to hats and shawls and blankets, of course) for a local organization that supports seniors. They're "muffs" that feature different textures and objects (like buttons and charms) and are intended to --for lack of a better description-- keep idle or anxious hands busy.

And interestingly, nearly every time I ran out of a particular yarn, I was at the end of a row. I was using completely random odds and ends, so that sort of evenness felt strangely orchestrated. And it was by God, no doubt, since He is the one who brings order to chaos. So for the reminder of that truth, I am thankful.

Monday, September 9, 2024

September 9

The 49ers are playing their season opener this evening so it's starting to feel like Fall.

(I'll go ahead and ignore the pesky truth that it was 86 degrees out today and the other truth that it was over 100 more days than not last week because those facts are totally irrelevant to all of my warm, apple crispy autumnal imaginings.)

I do love Fall, even if California Fall is less colorful and less crisp and less sweater-y and less boot-y than Maryland Fall. It is, for some reason I haven't really isolated just yet, comforting to me.

So for more signs that the seasons are changing, I'm grateful.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

September 8

Brady had a game in the South Bay this morning so he and Adam were gone before I got up. When I finally padded out into the kitchen, I found my coffee from the Mother Ship on the table. (Thanks, hunny!)

And when I picked it up to take a swig, I noticed this sweet little note on the lid. (Opposite the spout, of course, because Sharpie doesn't taste particularly good.)

It's a very small detail, but details matter. It's just a wish written on a cup, but you know something? When I read it, I did indeed make a conscious decision to look for the positive aspects of today. And I'm grateful that this simple message scrawled on my cup reminded me to do so.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

September 7

This afternoon, we had the honor of attending Mary and Jin's wedding.

As strange as it sounds (even to me), it was the first wedding we'd ever attended at our own church. And it was a very, very good first one.

The homily was perfect, Mary looked gorgeous, and Jin's vows were amazingly beautiful. (Mary did a nice job too, but when a man makes attendees alternately laugh and cry as he pauses and cries his way through words he wrote... that's something extra special.) And then there were the moments with friends and the boba bar and the delicious tacos during the reception. (And the cake to the face, per the bottom right image.) Yes, it was a lovely day.

Marriage is not always easy. (I can say that, I think, since I'm 22 years-plus into my own.) But it's always good, and it's always a blessing. So for the privilege of bearing witness to the birth of a brand new marriage, I am grateful.

Friday, September 6, 2024

September 6

I texted Nikki a few weeks ago to see if she wanted to hang out, and we finally made it happen this morning when we met up downtown for pedicures.

I've taken to painting my own nails at home so I don't even remember the last time I actually went out and had them done, but it was a positive experience. (And my toesies are now sporting a glittery pink polish that I don't have in my personal stash, so that's a win.)

But the real blessing was the time with my longtime pal. I've said it before, but it continues to be true that Nikki is a wonderful friend. She gets me --warts and all-- and loves me anyway. And I am grateful for her continued presence in my life (even if we don't get together particularly often these days). 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

September 5

As we all settled into the family room to watch the season's first NFL game this evening, Brady arranged himself on a vacant couch. 

Once he was fully settled and had pulled two of the wee stools that fit underneath the coffee table (think of a Trivial Pursuit game piece and that'll give a good visual), he grinned like a Cheshire Cat.

He's really stretched out this year, and although he was most definitely slouching, the use of the makeshift extended footrest made me chortle.

He's a clever one, this kiddo. And that smile that parts his lips now and then is a blessing.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

September 4

I glanced out the dining room window this evening as I was leaving to take Brady to practice, and I saw this:

Isaac had lugged out the big blue net, set it up out by the pool, and was taking swings at a ball on a tee. The scene was a notable one because aside from playing catch with Brady (which is, in fairness, an athletic pursuit in and of itself because they fire rockets back and forth), I hadn't seen him do much in the way of baseball practice for some time.

I know how much he loves the game, so it was a sweet sight. Practice may not really make perfect, per se, but it certainly lends itself to better play.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

September 3

I was driving Brady to school this morning and the song "Roses" was playing on the radio. As the car rolled to rest at a stop sign along the way, he looked up and exclaimed "hey, it's Rose Avenue. Isn't that weird?"

I considered his comment for a moment and then replied "no, not really. Maybe it's just God's way of telling us that we should spend more time reflecting on Jesus."

See, this particular song talks about the origin of roses, and suggests that maybe God made them to serve as something of a metaphor for Jesus's sacrifice: the thorns on the stem are reminiscent of the thorns He wore on his brow, while the petals are the beauty that still persists despite the presence of the thorns.

We don't generally think of sacrifices are beautiful things, but they really can be, can't they?

Monday, September 2, 2024

September 2

I got up quite late this morning (since it's Labor Day and all) and didn't do much at all.

In fact, I mostly puttered around, played phone games, crocheted, and watched a movie Adam decided to turn on this afternoon.

It was a low-key day, and I'm grateful for the (mostly) quiet time.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

September 1

I took a stroll after church this morning. I hadn't planned on it, but in the moment, it seemed like a good move.

It was gorgeous outside: not too warm, bright sunshine, blue skies, and a gentle breeze. Nearly ideal walking weather for me, and a great opportunity to think and get some exercise.

So for those blessings, I am grateful.