Tuesday, September 10, 2024

September 10

I've been on a hat-making kick of late, but today, as I looked at my substantial collection of scrap yarn, I decided to make a twiddlemuff instead.

My prayer shawl ministry group makes these (in addition to hats and shawls and blankets, of course) for a local organization that supports seniors. They're "muffs" that feature different textures and objects (like buttons and charms) and are intended to --for lack of a better description-- keep idle or anxious hands busy.

And interestingly, nearly every time I ran out of a particular yarn, I was at the end of a row. I was using completely random odds and ends, so that sort of evenness felt strangely orchestrated. And it was by God, no doubt, since He is the one who brings order to chaos. So for the reminder of that truth, I am thankful.

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