Saturday, September 14, 2024

September 14

Brady had a pair of games in Sunnyvale late this afternoon. It's not exactly a short ride and there's lots of freeway involved, so I was surprised when Adam told Isaac he could drive if he wanted to. And I was more surprised when the 16-year old said sure. 

Adam rode shotgun while I slid into the second row with Brady for the trip. Although I had my eyes closed through most of the time on the freeway and may have grabbed (and squeezed) Brady's arm a few times, Isaac did just fine and we arrived right on time.

There are many things I appreciate about Isaac, and one of them is his willingness to calmly take on new experiences (like longer drives on the freeway). So tonight I'm grateful for our safe trip (and for the two good wins for TVBR that followed!).

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