Wednesday, September 11, 2024

September 11

Fortunately, this is not my COVID test.

Unfortunately, it is Adam's.

He's been feeling under the weather for the past few days and was extra-specially under the weather today with congestion and chills, so I gave him a test this evening. And bam, positive.

So why is it a good thing that he's feeling crummy? It's not, really, but it does have a strange side effect: he's very, very chatty. He's said more to me in the last two hours than he's said all week long. 

It's all random stuff, mostly about the movie we're watching ("Sweet Home Alabama," which we've seen before, but for whatever reason, he has many questions and comments tonight). But the light-hearted communication is a good thing given how stressed he's been with work of late. So I'm thankful for it (even though I'm not actually thankful for COVID).

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